Aggregation(Batch) Circuit
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Proof aggregation (or batching if there are no connections between the target circuits) in the context of Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKP) refers to a method where multiple proofs can be combined into a single, compact proof. This technique is particularly important for scaling blockchain networks and other systems that rely on cryptographic proofs, as it significantly reduces the amount of data that needs to be processed and verified.
Aggregating proofs from different systems or protocols can be challenging due to differences in cryptographic assumptions, algorithms, and security models. In this document, when we talk about proof aggregation, we refer to the process of connect or batch multiple proofs of same or different circuits with the same circuit size and same PCS (KZG in particular).
The key concept of proof aggregation is how to verify multiple proofs in a single constaint size algorithm. If we relax the requirement of constant size of the verification algorithm, then we might endup with a huge verification cost. A very basic but fundamental idea of proof aggregation is to write the proof verify algorithm in circuit (verification circuit). This technique transform the verification of the initial proof in to verifying the proof of the varification circuit.
To verifying multiple proofs of different circuit we can write into circuit and combine them linearly (in circuit) to generate a new circuit that performs the following check.
(Please refer to ( for automatically generate verifying-circuit for a given circuit)
As we know the basic idea of combining the verifier cicuits, we can now define the instances and witness (private instances) of . Suppose that is the verification circuit of and is a proof of . It follows that the commitment of the instance of becomes the public instance of and becomes the witness of and the verification circuit can be written in a more precise form
In addition to the above combination, we can also reasoning about the relation ship between by adding constraint about . Also, we can add introduce more pub instance for the verification circuit and connect them with by add constraints between and those newly introduced instances. Eventually we get the following: